Space Facts |
Friends, whenever we look up in the sky, seeing the stars and moon watching in the night, our mind is forced to think that after all how far are these stars from us and can we see other galaxy from our earth as well? Or how the earth is rotating on its axis, how and why it is revolving around the sun or why we do not see the planets in our solar system. Many more questions are going on in our mind at that time, there are some such facts which are always stirring in the mind, today we will try to know about some interesting facts related to solar system or 39 new mysterious facts about solar system in this article.
#. some interesting facts related to solar system(1 to 15 facts)
- #Do you know that there are about 1 million earthquakes on our earth every year.
- #Lightning strikes our earth more than 100 times about every one second.
- #It takes a total of 8 minutes 18 seconds for the light of the Sun to reach the Earth from the Sun.
- #Do you know that after about 5 billion years from today, the energy of the Sun will be exhausted and it will become a red sphere and after that it will gradually become smaller and in the end it will become a black hole.
- #Utopia is the softest place on Mars.
- #Do you know that even in any normal galaxy there are billions of stars and millions of planets.
- #Do you know that there are about 100 billion galaxies in this entire universe.
- #If we consider the Sun to be as big as a football, then the planet Jupiter in front of it will be as big as a cricket ball and the Earth as big as a pea.
- #Do you know, the Saturn V rocket that went to the moon had the power of fifty 747 jumbo jets.
- #The world's largest meteorite is in South Africa and Canada.
- #Do you know that the gravitational force of our earth is so strong that to do this, any rocket has to go at 7 miles per second (11.2 km / s).
- #The size of a neutron star is very small in this entire solar system; the size of this star is only 20 km.
- #Our Universe is expanding at the speed of billion miles per hour.
- #Do you know if we go at the speed of light to our nearest galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, it will take 2 million years.
- #The neutron star is so heavy that the weight of a small spoon will be equal to about 10 million tons.
#. mind blowing new space facts in 2021 (16 to 30 Facts)
solar system Facts |
- #The risk of a meteorite colliding with the Earth is once in 9300.
- #Do you know that till now 6 flags were buried on the ground of the moon, out of which 5 flags are still safely buried.
- #A neutron star is so dense that if something is thrown towards the surface of this star from 1 meter above, it will hit the surface of this star at the rate of 7.2 km / h.
- #There are only two such planets in our solar system which do not have any moon of their own and they are Mercury and Venus.
- #Do you know that our solar system is more than 4.6 billion years old. But this is still the prediction of scientists because this universe can be many times more mythical than this.
- #Plato is smaller than Earth's Moon.
- #The moon is about 4.5 billion years old. That is, it is almost as old as our solar system.
- #just as a day on our Earth is of 24 hours, in the same way a day on Mars is of 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds.
- #Venus is the only planet that rotates backwards as compared to other planets. That is, the rest of the planets of the solar system revolve from west to east, while Venus seems to be from east to west.
- #All the planets in our solar system do not have as many volcanoes as there is on the planet Venus alone.
- #Saturn is the only planet present in the Solar System, which is the second largest planet in the Solar System.
- #The first person to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong while the second person was Buzz Aldrin.
- #When Neil Armstrong was about to land on the moon, he first put his left foot on the moon's ground.
- #The three main types of galaxies in space are Spiral, Elliptical and Irregular.
- #Due to the atmosphere in the earth, the stars shine at night because the light is obstructed. mysterious facts about solar system(30 to 39 Facts)
Space Facts |
- #The only satellite launched by Britain is called Black Arrow.
- #Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus are called inner planets because they are closest to the sun.
- #You can see 2 galaxies in the northern sky, these are Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and Triangulum Galaxy (M33).
- #If you shout in space and someone is next to you, even then he will not be able to hear anything. Because sound needs a medium to travel but there is no medium in space, so no one will be able to hear your voice.
- #The total number of moons of all the planets present in the solar system is 166.
- #The first artificial satellite left in space is called Sputnik.
- #The moon is moving 1.6 inches away from the earth every year.
- #Venus is by far the hottest planet in our solar system and has an average surface temperature of 450 °C.
- #The largest mountain in our solar system is on Mars, which is three times higher than the Himalaya Mountains on Earth, whose name is Mount Olympus.
Conclusion:- I hope you all liked these 39 new mysterious facts about solar system and how did you like this mind blowing new space facts, do tell us in the comment section and keep reading, more new mysterious facts are coming for you.
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