101 amazing fact of human body | cool facts of the human body -Part-#1

1. Our brain is more active at night than during the day. Scientists do not yet know why this is so.

2. By age 60, most people will have lost half their taste buds.

3. The higher our IQ, the more we supposedly dream.

 4. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the other fingernails.

5. Your body contains enough iron to make a 3-inch nail.

6. Fingertips are actually capable of re-grooving.

7. Fingernails grow nearly four times faster than toenails.

8The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years on average.

 9. Men burn fat faster than women by a rate of about 50 calories a day get hiccups more often than women.

 10. Women's hearts beat faster than men.

11. Women blink twice as many times as men do.       

12. Women are born better smaller than men and remain better smaller over life.

13. Bone is actually stronger than steel.

14. The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone.

 15. The strongest muscle in the body is the human tongue


 16. A man has approximately 6.8 litres of blood in the body while women have approximately litres.

17. The largest cell in the body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.

18. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

19. All babies are color blind at birth, they see only black and white.

20.Babies are born with blue eyes more than any other color. The melanin in their eyes needs time to be fully deposited or to be darkened by ultraviolet light to reveal the baby's true eye color.

21. You have taste buds other places besides your tongue.

22. Germs from coughs travel at around 60 miles per hour.

23. You have approximately 2,000 different taste buds.

24. Your tongue can get fat.

 25. A nose can remember up to 50,000 unique smells. 

26. Noise causes the pupils of your eyes to dilate. Even very small noises can do this 

27. There are actually 14 different basic nose shapes.

28. Your sense of smell is the last sense to activate each morning.

29. Your nose shapes the sound of your voice.

 30. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home, but they are mostly harmless and some of them are even helpful.

 31. The first ever cell that originated on Earth was a prokaryotic cell.

32. We are about 1 cm taller in the mornings than in the evenings.

33.  The colder the room you sleep in, the higher the chances are that you would get a nightmare.

 34.  Humans are the only species that produce emotional tear.

35. A normal human being can survive 20 days without eating but can survive only 2 days without drinking.

 36. The hands and feet contain almost half of the total bones in the human body.

37. Blonde people have more hair.

38.  Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.

39. Only after you've lost most of half of your hair will people begin to notice.

40. Human hair is practically indestructible.

41. The average person loses between 60 and 100 strands of hair each day.

42. You need to use 200 muscles to take a single step.

43. Tears and mucus contain an enzyme called lysosomes which breaks down the cell wall of many kinds of bacteria.

44. quarter of the bones in your body are found in your feet.

45. You use around 200 different muscles in order to take a single step forward.

 46. You lose about 4 kg of skin cells each year.

47. Humans shed and regrow outer skin every 27 days.

48. Your memory is affected by your body position, meaning that you remember things differently when you're standing to when you're sitting.

49. The brain physically changes shape during puberty.

50. Your brain itself is unable to experience pain.

51. Your brain can store five times the amount of information as the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

52. Your brain can make your think you are hearing loud noises in a condition known exploding head syndrome.

 53. Your eyes can distinguish around 10 million different hues.

54.Children grow faster in the spring.

 55. The body heat you produce in half an hour is enough to boil half a gallon of water.

56. Your body has around 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

57. Your body contains enough blood to satisfy the appetites of 1,200,000 mosquitoes.

58. Blood type 'O' is the most common blood type in the world.

59.drop of blood contains around 250,000 platelets.

 60. Three hundred million of your body's cells die every minute...

61. Nerve impulses can travel as fast as 170 miles per hour.

62. Everyone once spent around half an hour as a single cell.

63. 300 billion new cells are created each day.

64. Your body contains ten times more bacteria cells than human cells.

65. Around 10,000 human cells could fit on a pin head.

 66. Your eyes start to develop two weeks after you are conceived.

67. The only part of your body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It gets its oxygen directly from air.

68. Your eyes remain the same size after birth but your nose and ears never stop growing.

69. Your eye see the world upside down, but the brain automatically corrects it for you.

70. Everybody has one strong eye and one weak eye.

 71. On average, right-handed people live up to 9 years longer than lefties.

 72. Babies have 300 bones, while adults only have 206.

73. Your skeleton keeps renewing itself every ten years, which means that every ten years you get a new skeleton.


 74. The human feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day.

 75. Lips are reddish due to a large number of capillaries hidden under the skin.

 75. Adrenaline can give you a temporary strength boost.

76. More than 9 out of 10 diseases are caused or aggravated by stress.

 77. Hart attack are 20% more likely to occur on Mondays.

 78. By the age of 60, 40% of women and 60% of men start snore regularly.

 79. Your teeth begin to grow around 6 months before birth.

80. One out of every 2,000 babies is born with at least one tooth

81. The only part of the body that can't repair itself is the tooth.

82.The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve zinc. It doesn't destroy the stomach because the stomach walls constantly renew themselves.  

83. Your stomach lining renews itself every 3-4 days.

84. Your stomach acid is powerful enough to dissolve a razor blade.

85. The small intestine is the biggest internal organ.

 86. Everyone has a unique smell, unique fingerprint, and unique tongue print.

87. Your fingers don't contain a single muscle.

 88. human lung's surface area is roughly the same as that of a tennis court.

89. Your right lung is larger than your left lung.

90. Around 75% of human waste is composed of water.

91. The liver has over 500 unique functions.

 92. It is impossible to tickle yourself.

93. You create more earwax when you are afraid.

94. The average person farts around 14 times a day.

95. A full bladder can swell to the size of a softball.

96. Your adrenal glands keep changing size throughout your life.

97. passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions to take place that firing a gun and bungee jumping do.

98. A human fetes is able to heal its mother wounds.

99. A bite from a human being will almost always become infected if left untreated.

100. It is impossible to kill yourself by choking yourself with your hands.

101. Men also have a uterus, which lies dormant on one side of the male prostate gland.

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