68 Space Facts | Amazing Facts About Space | Mysterious Facts About Space 2021
This universe is full of many mysteries which we cannot even imagine in our dreams. But to date, the veil of all the mysteries has been uncovered. Some of the same secrets/facts have brought you interesting information related to space, facts about space, facts about planets, galaxies, etc in this article. I hope you like these 69 space facts.
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Amazing Facts About Space (1-15):-
#1. Enceladus in the small satellites of Saturn reflects 90% of the light received from the Sun.
#2. The size of the International Space Station is as much as a football field.
#3. Cockroaches grow faster in space than on Earth.
#4. A dog named Laika had circled the earth on 13 November 1957 by sitting in the Sputnik 2nd vehicle. However, she could not come back alive on earth.
#5. On 10 August 2015, NASA astronauts ate food that was grown in space for the first time.
#6. On average, it takes 1.3 seconds for light to travel from the Moon to the Earth.
#7. The shape of most galaxies is oval.
#8. The edge of our solar system is not Pluto, it is the Oort cloud.
#9. The oldest known star at 13.2 billion years old is the red giant HE 1523-0901.
#10. According to some theory, there is one universe in every black hole, which means we are all in the black hole at this time.
#11. Did you know that the stars you see in the sky can die? Since they are billions of light-years away from us and it would take billions of years for the light to reach Earth, that means the light of stars you see now is billions of years old light. So they may be now dead.
#12. Sunset blue in Mars Sunset is blue The density of Saturn is so low that it can float in water.
#13. Our moon is moving away from the earth at the rate of 4 cm per year.
#14. According to the astronaut, the space smells like steak, hot metal, and welding foam.
#15. Saturn and Jupiter are two such planets where diamonds rain. This is because most of the carbon gas is present in the atmosphere here. When lightning strikes these carbons due to climate change, it becomes graphite, after which due to atmospheric pressure, it turns into a diamond.
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Interesting Facts About Space (16-35):-
#16. Whenever an astronaut returns from space, its length increases by 2 inches. This is because the spinal cord is present in the human body, to which many more flexible bones are attached. With the help of the force of gravity, these flexible bones start spreading, due to which the person becomes 2 inches long.
#17. The sun is so big that it can accommodate one million on earth.
#18. Earth is the only planet in our solar system where a solar eclipse occurs.
#19. Abell 2029 is the largest galaxy in the universe.
#20. The height of Mt. Olympus Mons (a large shield volcano) on Mars is almost three times the height of Everest.
#21. As astronauts say, space smells like hot metal, welding fumes, and seared steak.
#22. The center of our galaxy tastes like raspberry and smells like rum.
#23. When water is boiled, it forms thousands of tiny bubbles on the earth. If water is boiled in space, it takes the form of a giant, imperfect bubble.
#24. R 136 A1 is the brightest and most massive star, 8.7 million times more luminous than the Sun.
#25. Earth itself could become a black hole. This can be achieved by compressing the earth to the size of a marble.
#26. According to the estimates of scientists, there are about 20 trillion galaxies in our universe.
#27. Earlier the Universe was hot and gradually it cooled down.
#28. If you count 100 stars in 1 minute, you will count a whole galaxy in 2000 years.
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#29. Astronomers estimate that 275 million new stars are born every day.
#30. The most complex object in the universe is the human brain, which contains billions of neurons.
#31. The universe began with the Big Bang, which happened 13.7 billion years ago.
#32. The diameter of the universe is approximately 150 billion light-years.
#33. There is no center to the universe.
#34. If you travel outward in a straight line, you can never go to the edge of the universe, you will return to the point where you started.
#35. In 1977, a signal of 72 seconds was received from deep space, but till now it is not known who sent this signal.
Mysterious facts about space (36-50):-
#36. If NASA sends a bird into space, it will not be able to fly and will soon die. Because there is no force to fly there.
#37. The space station is the size of a football field.
#38. Scientists have discovered one planet filled with lava which is similar to Earth.
#39. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe has expanded to 93 trillion light-years in 15 trillion years.
#40. According to scientists, about 75% of the universe is missing in the form of dark matter and dark energy, which cannot be measured.
#41. In space, there is no sound.
#42. According to scientists, 40 light-years away from Earth is a diamond-made planet named 55 Cancri-e.
#43. Astronauts on the International Space Station see 15 sunrises and 15 sunsets daily.
#44. International Space Station(ISS) cost is around 10000 Trillion in Indian Rupee.
#45. The average distance between stars is 20 million miles.
#46. The closest black hole to Earth is 1,600 light-years away.
#47. If we take a spoon full of a neutron star, then it weighs 1 billion tons.
#48. NASA has discovered a planet called "water world" which is about 40 light-years away from Earth but may contain dangerous substances such as "hot ice" and "superfluid water."
#49. Astronauts say moon dust smells like gunpowder and is extremely soft.
#50. There are an exoplanet 33 light-years away from us, completely covered by burning ice.
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Mysterious facts about space (51-69):-
#51. The glue that holds the universe together is dark matter, which cannot be measured, but scientists believe there is a chance to measure it.
#52. Cosmic rays come into our solar system from outer space, which is highly energetic particles. But no one is aware of their origin.
#53. 2.7 Kelvin is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which permeates the entire universe.
#54. With the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, our solar system is less than a trillionth of our universe.
#55. A giant cloud of alcohol is 10,000 light-years away.
#56. The fastest rotating object in the universe is a neutron star.
#57. The core of a neutron star is very dense. It is so dense that if you took a spoonful of matter from its core, it would weigh 200 billion pounds.
#58. The 2011 earthquake in Japan has shortened the day on Earth by 1.8 microseconds.
#59. Do you know that stars, stars, and satellites all attract each other towards them?
#60. Voyager-1 is the farthest object ever made by humans.
#61. Scientists have not been able to understand the ocean as much as they have been able to understand the surface of the moon, only 5% of the ocean has been able to know
#62. The time taken by our solar system to revolve around the galaxy is 225 million years.
#63. The farthest galaxy from Earth is GRB 090423.
#64. If the rings around Saturn were 1 meter long they would be 10000 times thinner than the blades.
#65. No atmosphere is found in the planet Mercury, that is, there is neither wind nor weather.
#66. In 1963, America threw a hydrogen bomb in space, which was 100 times more powerful than the bomb thrown in Hiroshima.
#67. America succeeded in sending the first human to space on February 20, 1962. John Glenn, the first American in space, later set the record for being the oldest astronaut on the Space Shuttle Discovery at the age of 77 in 1996.
#68. Scientists believe that the planet Jupiter has 67 satellites while only 53 have been named.
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